Sunday, July 25, 2010

NEW Pricing is Here ! ! !


I have some EXCITING AND GREAT NEWS, first of all, Welcome Aboard.

The latest is the PRICING of selected products on the EZ Riser Web Site. I have reviewed what is out there and have decided that there needs to be new pricing. The original pricing was based on what the manufacturer stated as a fair price for their product. That is the point at where I started at, well the products have been out there for a year now and although I sell a lot I was not in sync with my competitors. I went back to my vendors and negotiated new pricing to match the current environment and what my competitors out there were doing.

Who wins in this, both of us, me for being able to sell more products and you for buying at a rate equal to the Big boys out there.

Some examples of the new pricing are the Water Proof Products that you use for you Crack Berry, MP3 Player and Head Phones. The C O O L Bottle is now competitively priced @ under $15.00, a price swing down of 40%. The GPS is now at least 10 % (percentage) points below what it was, all for our benefit. There is more, just stop by and take a Look - See.

Till next time,

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